Monday, December 10, 2007

Technology Philosophy

In my opinion, technology is only as capable as its user. To me, this is especially true in the classroom setting. It is imperative in today’s technologically centered society that teachers are able to incorporate technology in the classroom and take the time to show students its many uses. Even though Language Arts teachers have many responsibilities, technology should be included as a pivotal part of the classroom experience.
Technology can take many forms. It can be one of the many Microsoft Programs capable of organizing and displaying class subject matter, create websites, even design movies. The possibilities of incorporating Microsoft Programs into classroom curriculum are endless. Moreover, nontraditional uses of technology are appearing in classrooms, from iPod podcasts to teach Spanish, digital cameras that inspire free writing activities, to Blackberries that keep track of assignments. In my opinion, Language Arts teachers need to embrace new technology as its uses are multitudinous and exciting for students.
Also, Language Arts teachers need to embrace the Internet as an alternative to written assignments. On the Internet, free Blog sites can serve as journaling websites for reading content, electronic texts can save money for schools and expand teaching possibilities.
Teachers should not be frightened of the dramatic influx of technology that is inundating the teaching world. If anything, teachers should try to stay one step ahead of their students by investigating new websites, applications, and portable electronic devices. Approached correctly, any technology has the capability of being incorporating into the classroom.

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