Monday, December 10, 2007

Blog Reflection

This was my first online record of thoughts and I have to admit I was wary of the program at first. The idea of publishing my ideas online was daunting as it is available on the Internet for everyone to see. But, I feel much better about the idea now as I discovered there are so many Blogs on the Internet that the chances of my grammar being critiqued is very unlikely. Also, I feel that after viewing my entire blog reflections, it is a great way to record the work that I have done in class. It can serve as a portfolio that is accessible wherever there is an Internet connection. Also, was easy to use and compatible with my little iBook. Another project that I used for in my Teaching Writing class consisted of a peer-editing workshop wherein the student's paper was uploaded and then everyone in the class commented on the student's paper. Next, everyone had to post a comment to someone else's comment. We ended up with about 31 responses that were all thoughtful and interesting to read. I think is a great tool to use in English classrooms.

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